Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fresh water

Dear God,

Please tell my why you made the sound of rain so unbelievably comforting. Sideways streams of water are pounding on the outside glass of my bedroom window right now, and I am totally in love with it. When I am miserable and upset, there is nothing that makes me more content and thankful than to hear the fierce sound of rain. Even the smell is great. It is like every good smell of nature all in one: hot, yet chilled at the same time, new, clean, refreshing and green. Rain makes me feel like its okay to put on my big girl panties and make a fresh start. It reminds me that this moment is the oldest I've ever been and the youngest I'll ever be. So I might as well seize the day. Carpe diem. Thank you to the good Lord above for the wonderful gift of rain. And that the newness it brings can inspire me to increase my appreciation for each moment on earth I am given.

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